COLOR: Women return home after 100 days in the ventilator – News2IN

COLOR: Women return home after 100 days in the ventilator

COLOR: Women return home after 100 days in the ventilator
Written by news2in

Kolkata: A young woman who spends a hundred days on ventilation and wins her battle on severe health complications at RG Kar Medical College and the hospital all will go home minus some tubes and probes that have become part of the system for more than the system.
from three months.
However, Mali Mali who was thirty-four-year-old was not infected by Covid but had a miscarriage at home that had caused serious complications forcing his life support.
Homemaker from Bhadrakhali rushed to the Department of Midwifery and Gynecology on March 11 with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding.
He has a history of spontaneous abortion.
The doctor in the department immediately carried out ERPC (evacuation of conception perception products) under general anesthesia, the procedure for eliminating pregnancy tissue from the uterus after a miscarriage.
Further evaluation found patients very infected (sepsis) at the time and had many organ dysfunction, including acute kidney failure.
The doctor also found that he had severe pneumonia, causing acute respiratory failure.
Mali was shifted to the Hospital Critical Care Unit (CCU) and placed in the ventilator on March 11 itself.
“He began to recover from kidney failure after 13 dialysis sessions.
But ventilation must be continued because of the problem of intra-tracheal bleeding from the formation of a granulation tissue in the trachea and non-settlement pneumonia,” said Professor of Doctor CCU Sugata Dasgupta who headed CCU.
Because of the condition of the patient’s complex, regardless of the CCU team under the Dasgupta and Gynecology & Obstetrics team headed by Gynecologist Aparna Mondal, treatment that called for the involvement of the ENT team led by Indranath Kundu and anesthesiology.
Repeated endoscopic and toll dealers are carried out under ventilation to manage trachea problems (granulation and bleeding networks) and tracheostomy issues.
Patients have also developed deep vein thrombosis in the legs that are complicated by the problems of anticoagulation care at the same time there is a problem of bleeding from the trachea.
Ventilation continues while patients undergo recurring imaging, several operations and management of recurrent secondary infections caused by prolonged ventilation.
Perseverance by the medical team finally brought cheers.
The doctor started the design procedure out of ventilation and tracheostomy in a valuable way on June 21.
“I have given up hope.
The doctors, especially Saugata Dasgupta and his team at the CCU, were so patient and gave all their efforts to return my wife to me.
I owe it,” said Abhijit Mali’s husband, fish vendor.

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