#ColoursofKolKata: WBTC depot walls to wear different nuances – News2IN

#ColoursofKolKata: WBTC depot walls to wear different nuances

#ColoursofKolKata: WBTC depot walls to wear different nuances
Written by news2in

Kolkata: a group of artists, in collaboration with Bengal Transport Corporation, is set to change the cityscape by painting the bus and wall of the tram depot on a myriad theme, adding color to worldly streets.
“People often spit on the walls of our depots and tarnish them.
It looks bad.
Graffiti will give a touch of Arty to the capital of Indian art and maybe, preventing people from pampering the wall,” said Rajanvir Singh Limb, MD WBTC, who led the campaign, ‘Color Kolkata, #Coloursofkolkata,’ to celebrate the diversity of Kolkata this independence day.
“In the future, Kolkata’s leading artists will be invited to help create public art in a prominent location to make the city more beautiful.” The famous personality of Kolkata, the past and now, will be described on several other wallsfamous personalities from Kolkata, the past and now, will be described on several other walls, the campaign has begun by remembering the 160th and 100th birth and anniversary of birth.
Graffiti, representing their lives and works, is being painted on the WBTC tram depot wall at Park Circus.
The next location in the line is the tollygunge depot, opposite tolly club, and garahatan depot near Ballygunge Phari.
Those involved in the project hoped to cover most of the walls by Durga Puja.
The first two artwork had been curated by the WBTC, working with a city-based art campaigner, Patherya, and his group.
“The goal of #ColoursOfkolkata is to use the public wall to send messages that are artificially and aesthetic kolkata one of the most excited cities.
I thank WBTC because it gave me this opportunity.
This movement is intended to invite artists to help put the best face forward,” said Patherya.

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