Concerns of twins in conscious bazaar: wild residents and safety crowds – News2IN

Concerns of twins in conscious bazaar: wild residents and safety crowds

Concerns of twins in conscious bazaar: wild residents and safety crowds
Written by news2in

Gurgaon: With a swollen crowd in aware of a bazaar and unauthorized street vendors make the market more dense, the corporation of the city of Gurgaon (MCG) started an anti-encroachment drive three days on Monday.
After encroachment is removed, the MCG will re-apply a vehicle free plan to reduce the market.
“We have realized a group of 40 members of the Enforcement Team to carry out the drive.
We confiscated the illegal vendor cart and the products they sell.
We confiscated around five carts on Monday.
By unlocking the market and shops, shrimp has also returned.
While the shop owner has also been Has penetrated the main road on several sites, there are other sites where street vendors have arranged carts.
We have received several complaints about this problem in the past few days, “said Commissioner with MCG-2 Jitender Garg.
MCG officials said the number of illegal vendors had increased now because people have begun to leave their homes and shop for Rakshabandhan and other festivals will soon follow.
“The first step is to remove encroachment from the market.
Then, we will re-enforce the vehicle free plan for the main road market which extends from the post office to Jama Mosque.
This time, the vehicle’s free plan will be more stringent because the third wave threat lines above us and us Want to describe our market, “Garg added.
Before the second wave, MCG had conducted two experiments in March and the first week of April to make a conscious vehicle-free bazaar.
In the trial, MCG only allowed two-wheeled vehicles on the market and the designated parking space for the car.
All stretches are beautified by plants and benches also installed.
The Civic body has planned to spread volunteers in the second phase, however, hit pandemic and all markets are closed due to locking.
Meanwhile, traders say with the return of buyers to the market, it is important for the authorities to ensure their safety.
“The crowd gradually increased and around 70% of the market was appeased by vendors who set up a cart in front of the store.
The entire market supports the MCG to eliminate encroachment, because it makes the market jammed and is not safe for buyers during a pandemic,” said Roshan Lal Mangla, Chair of the Traders Association Bazar is aware.
While buyers returned very good for their business, shop owners raised concerns over people who did not wear masks on the market.
“People don’t wear a mask.
They think the pandemic is over.
We will appeal to the authorities to start a massive challenger drive in aware of the bazaar against those who do not wear masks.
We told them to wear a mask, but we are not authority,” Mangla.

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