Congress demands a probe to pegasus spyware problems – News2IN

Congress demands a probe to pegasus spyware problems

Congress demands a probe to pegasus spyware problems
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Congress on Monday demanded an independent probe into the problem involving the alleged Tapping Tapperity of the leading personality including journalists in India using spyware pegasus Israel.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi took friction at the prime minister about this problem using the “Pegasus” hashtag.
“We know what he read – everything is on your cellphone”, he said on Twitter.
“I wonder what you read today,” Gandhi said two days ago in a tweet.
An international media consortium reported on Sunday that more than 300 cellular telephone numbers were verified, including the two ministers who served OG, more than 40 journalists, three opposition leaders and one judge sitting in addition to a number of people and activists in India can be targeted to hack through hacking Spyware Israel is only sold to government institutions.
The government has rejected the allegations of all types of supervision in its parts to certain people, said it “does not have a concrete base or truth associated with it”.
The Shashi Tharoor Congress leader demanded an independent court committee probe into this issue after the government denied having involvement in the alleged cellphone tapping using Pegasus Spyware.
He said Pegasus’s problem was very serious because it concerned national security.
Because the government said that it had not done the institution, this must be investigated, he said.
“I feel that there must be a thorough independent judicial investigation or a common parliamentary committee.
We cannot brush it under the carpet,” he told reporters.
“The Indonesian government has denied using unauthorized supervision.
The question given is, if #pegasus is only sold to the government, which other governments (China / sir?) Use it to lurking a leading Indian citizen? Isn’t the authority not call an independent investigation,” Tharoor said also said on Twitter.
The Head of Congress Spokesman Randeep Surjewala also demanded a thorough investigation of “Saheb, the country asked how much you spent spy on other people’s cellphones while working for 18 hours every day,” he said.
“Tapping-jeevi ji, along with political opponents, you don’t even deliver journalists, judges, industrialists, your own ministers and even RSS leadership,” he said.
“Really – this time, spy on the government,” he said in other tweets in Hindi.
Secretary General of Congress Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said Pegasus’s problem was an insult to democracy.
“Revelation Pegasus is disgusting.
If true, the mode government seems to have launched a large and evil attack on the right of privacy – guaranteed constitutionally to Indian citizens as fundamental rights,” he said on Twitter.
“This is an insult to democracy and has unpleasant implications for our freedom,” added Vadra.
Congress and several other parties also raised the problem in parliament.

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