‘Consumers must buy only jewelry sucked in Dhanteras’ – News2IN

‘Consumers must buy only jewelry sucked in Dhanteras’

'Consumers must buy only jewelry sucked in Dhanteras'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The government on Tuesday advises consumers to buy only a distinctive jewelry on the occasion of both Dhanteras and Diwali Festivity.
In an official statement, the Indian standard Bureau (BIS) and the consumer affairs department asked people to “buy the only mashed gold jewelry / silver jewelry artifacts from registered jewelry buses”.
If the Hallmark is not clearly visible by the naked eye, ask the magnifying glass of the jewelry, it is recommended.
With the effect of June 23, 2021, Hallmarking has been made mandatory in 256 countries for 14, 18 and 22 carat jewelry / gold artifacts.
256 This district is a district where there are at least one assaying and characteristic.
Sucked jewelry can only be sold by registered jewelry buses.
The government also urges consumers to demand bills to buy jewelry.
“Bills or sales invoices Hallmark jewelry must show descriptions separately from each article, net weight of precious metals, purity in rust and fines and demands,” said the statement.
Gold jewelry artifacts that were sucked out of three signs – Mark bus; purity in rust and smoothness for gold (eg 22k916.18k750, 14k585); and six digits alphanumeric huid code aaaaaa.

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