COP26: HYD students to present global youth manifesto – News2IN

COP26: HYD students to present global youth manifesto

COP26: HYD students to present global youth manifesto
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: A 16-year-old student from Hyderabad will present youth manifesto on behalf of 35,000 teenagers from 54 countries in CO Global Climate Conference in Glasgow.
As one of the few students under 18 years of receiving official certification, Pavan Trishu Vijay Kumar, a Hyderabad Public School student, Begumpet, will present #Decarbonize: Global Youth Manifesto and talk about his work in “Blue-Zone,” which is limited to Official Conference Delegation.
World leaders and official representatives from NGOs and multinational industries participated in conferences between November 3 and November 10.
“I have gained access to co-zone co where all world leaders will talk and lead.
I will make a presentation on climate change and will make suggestions for global leaders about how they can fight climate change,” said Pavan Toi.
Class 12 students say that the delegation of 15 global students, including itself, will take part in the conference.
“While they will represent their own country, I will represent them all,” he said, adding that taking it global, an NGO, facilitating its participation in the conference.
Pavan to meet global leaders was chosen on the basis of active participation in the problem of global climate change on the online platform.
#Decarbonize: Global Youth Manifesto is one of the world’s largest education and actions synthesies focused on climate change by children under the age of 18 years.
In addition to presenting their work, Pavan and five other students will meet global leaders, head of multi-national companies, visit local schools displayed by global non-profit organizations, and hosting interactive video series.

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