Cotton plants at risk again, VID farmers seek government assistance – News2IN

Cotton plants at risk again, VID farmers seek government assistance

Cotton plants at risk again, VID farmers seek government assistance
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Extended rain now pose a risk of cotton, vidarbha’s main plant.
Harvesting in a number of pockets is reported to be postponed by 20 to 25 days because the field is still wet.
This has prevented cotton formation with full capacity, in turn, holding the harvest.
If farmers in Vidarbha still hope for some sunlight that can save plants, cotton farmers in neighboring marathwada have been reported in losses due to excessive rain.
After drying, there is a possibility that pink bollworm pests affect plants, experts said.
This is the second plant at stake after soybeans.
Farmers in Vidarbha and Marathwada have reported losses because their soybean output decreases to 50%.
Soyabean level has also divided two to RS4,500 from IDR 9,000 at the beginning of the harvest season because low quality is one reason.
The last year, cotton farmers must face covid pandemics.
Pandemic restrictions have also achieved the procurement of MSP (minimum support price) and there are pink bollworm infestation reports as well as There may be a loss, but not as much to create a crisis, official said.
In Yavatmal, a group of farmers had blocked the road to highlight the situation.
Their demand is that the state government must assess losses and express compensation.
The number of Jadhav, a farmer who led the protest, said his loss was severe because the field was still flooded.
“The arrival of cotton, which was started by Dussehra, may be delayed by 20 days or more,” said Sudhir Kothari, a director at Hingangphat APMC, one of the main markets for cotton.
President Shetkari Sanghatana Anil Ghanwat said Marathwada farmers were already in losses.
The fields located near the dam have been flooded because the gate has been opened because of heavy rainfall.
“The lack of soybeans is expected this time, as well as cotton inventories,” he said there was a possibility that the infestation of Bollworm was so dry.
There is also a rotating cotton bolls report, he said.
Vijay Jawandhia, Agricultural Activist from Wardha, said the crisis could also achieve revenue of agricultural workers.
In some places, plants are not even in conditions that must be harvested.
Toi experts speak in different districts say there is a possibility that the results can be reduced to half, if there is no dry mantra immediately.

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