Counseling for Neet-UG starts from January 19 – News2IN

Counseling for Neet-UG starts from January 19

Counseling for Neet-UG starts from January 19
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The All-India counseling round for the NEET-UG program will begin on January 19, announcing the Minister of Health Union Mansukh Mandavia said on Thursday.
The registration process starts from January 19 and the chair will be given on January 27 and 28.
Safe! You have managed to throw your voteogin to see the results that must be reported to the university allocated in February 4.
The rate of allotment for state universities will be scheduled only after February 4, after the first round concluded for all-Indian quota.
At present, the registration process for the state round has been extended until January 17.
59,647 students have registered until Wednesday for the process of medical and dental acceptance in the state.
The second All-India round will start from February 9.
He extended his best hope for students.
“Dear students, counseling for Neet-UG be started by MCC from January 19.
You are all the country’s future and I hope you will all give new directions to your career with the mantra services ‘is religion’.
I extend the best expectations I for all, “Mandaviya tweeted.

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