Covid-19: Hospital Looking for Booster Shot in Kolkata – News2IN

Covid-19: Hospital Looking for Booster Shot in Kolkata

Kolkata: Some doctors who are fully vaccinated and health workers have tested positive Covid for the last 10 days at least three city hospitals, two private and one repayment of the country, triggering a health alarm.
They have taken their first two doses in February and may have run out of antibodies that act as shields until the second wave, some experts feel.
Covid variants can also be the reason behind their infection, others say.
It has led the hospital authority that is worried and experts to find the third booster dose for those who will be at the forefront of the next third wave, which, according to many people, are already about.
Some hospitals have reported Spurt in Covid reception in the past week.
Three superspecialty medics hospital doctors are now covid-positive, but no one needs to be hospitalized.
Some nurses at the SSKM Hospital were also infected in recent weeks, according to hospital officials, but they were also treated at home.
“We might immediately see the extension of the Covid unit and more doctors and health workers will be representatives.
We definitely need a third dose for all health workers because they have received both doses in February and their resistance may have been reduced.
Unfortunately, there are no such conditions, no provision “said Chairson Medica Alok Roy.
According to the Institute of Post-Postgraduate Medical Education & Professor of Dipendra Sarkar Research, there is no evidence that we need a third dose.
“Two is enough to ensure that we get a mild infection that will be treated at home and fatality will be very low.
So, health workers should not worry,” he said.
Some doctors at Amri Hospital also have Covid after double vaccination, said CEO of Rupak Barua.
“But they have mild infections.
However, our safety protocol remains valid and will be strictly enforced now that the number is increasing,” he added.
A senior doctor of the Woodlands hospital is now treated with Covid.
“Post-vaccination antibodies can be active but the immune response varies from people to people.
Elderly and those who have comorbidities remain vulnerable and even after vaccination,” said the Woodlands CEO Rupali Basu.
With Covid numbers up, restless hospitals have improved safety steps.
Hospital Leeran – which now has 31 covid patients, up from 20 in less than a week – has reaffirmed PPE needs for all health workers.
“We have a large number of non-covid patients now and unlimited visitor entries are not like last year.
So, we may have to visit visitors immediately and have instructed all employees to wear PPE,” said the CEO of the Sudipta Hospital partner.
Microbiology of Peerless Bhaskar Narayan Chaudhuri Hospital, which itself has Covid after two doses, shows that the virus is developing and the doctor is at risk of the variant.
“After the entire adult population receives the first dose, the vaccine must be sold on the table so we can protect as much as possible.
Next, the Covid vaccine must be annual like an optional influenza vaccine that we now have,” he said.

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