Covid-19: India Logs 43K New Kasing, List of Kerala Tops with 12k – News2IN

Covid-19: India Logs 43K New Kasing, List of Kerala Tops with 12k

The receding trend of new cases continued when Saturday saw 42,941 new cases and 722 deaths.
Except Monday, which reported the lowest case in most weeks, the number of cases was the lowest among all the other days.
Although death has not seen the same decline, it has been more than ten days since the number breaking 1,000-mark.
Among major countries, Jharkhand data has not been entered when submitting this report.
Comparable data at the global level (for July 2) shows that Brazil saw a decline and reported slightly lower than India.
It again encourages India to the world number one slot.
At the national level, Kerala leads the list with 12,456 cases, followed by Maharashtra with 9,489.
Case counts a little more than 4,000 for Tamil Nadu while Andhra Pradesh and Odisha reported less than 3,000 fresh infections in the last 24 hours.
Other countries that reported more than a thousand cases on Saturday were Assam, Karnataka and West Bengal.
Rajasthan, Delhi, Gujarat, Nagaland, Haryana and MP reported less than a hundred cases.
Three countries reported more than one hundred Dea-THS.
With 153, Maharashtra topped the list and was attended by Kerala and TN who reported the deaths of 135 and 115 respectively.

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