Covid-19 Vaccines for Children under 12 years in the US can be available at the end of next month: Reports – News2IN

Covid-19 Vaccines for Children under 12 years in the US can be available at the end of next month: Reports

Covid-19 Vaccines for Children under 12 years in the US can be available at the end of next month: Reports
Written by news2in

New York: In the middle of the Delta variant soaring in the US, Covid-19 vaccines for younger children than 12 years can be available at the end of next month, a media report has said.
A report in the New York Times quoted two health experts who said that the Covid vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 can be available so late October, bringing assistance to younger children’s parents because vaccines are only available for children aged 12 year and above.
The NYT report quoted Dr.
Scott Gottlieb, a former administrative administration commissioner and administration who also sits on the Pfizer Board, said that getting green lights for younger children will need careful and fast clinical data reviews.
Gottlieb said to CBS shows “facing the nation” that “in the best case scenario”, the Pfizer vaccine can be ready on October 31 for younger children.
“I have trust in Pfizer in terms of data they have collected,” Gottlieb said.
Hansel James VlasaLovic, Interim pediatrician at the Texas Children’s Hospital, said he agreed with Gottlieb about the possibility of a vaccine for younger children to get approval in October.
“We do everything we can now to move this trial forward,” he said as quoted in the NYT report.
Because the hospitalization of children rose in the midst of a surge in Delta variant which was very translucent, Vsalovic said that he and his colleagues “saw a record” infected child.
“We continue to be in the high plateau” and may not be about “another peak,” he said.
This report added that both Pfizer and Moderna “collect data on safety, the correct dose and the effectiveness of covid vaccines in children.” “Compared to adults, children diagnosed with Covid are more likely to have mild or no symptoms at all.
Children are also much less likely to develop severe illnesses, hospitalized or die because of the disease,” said the NYT report .
The US is the worst devastated country of pandemic in the world.
The country has registered a total of 40,955,201 Covid-19 cases and 659,970 deaths, according to the data of Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus.

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