Covid-Apt Step Victim at OPTS of Lucknow Homps – News2IN

Covid-Apt Step Victim at OPTS of Lucknow Homps

Covid-Apt Step Victim at OPTS of Lucknow Homps
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The government-assisted hospital in the city cannot ensure the appropriate behavior of Covid in their outpatient facilities (OPD), the examination of TI reality found on Friday.
The negligence pose a threat to patients during the third wave of large pandemic soaring.
TimesViewpeople have started wearing masks, but social distance has not become an integral part of their ‘new normal’.
Both must be followed for protection.
Extra treatments are needed in the OPD hospital due to higher transmission probabilities in these places because people who suffer from various diseases in contact with each other.
Every disease reduces immunity and makes someone susceptible to infection.
Transmission is easy if someone in the crowd is Covid-19 positive.
In the last two days, 18 patients who visited the OPD Balkrampa Hospital for the treatment of diseases other than Covid-19, were diagnosed with novel Coronavirus infection during consultation before consultation.
Visit to Manohar RAM Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences (RMLIs), Medical University of Raja George (KGMU), a civil hospital, Balrampur Hospital and TB hospital found that even though most of their patients and servants wearing masks, social distance and hand hygiene , There is no social distance maintained at the OPD registration counter and Covid testing and report collection centers.
No hand sanitation facilities are also available at each counter at this hospital.
Director, civil hospital, Dr.
Subhash Chandra Sundariyal said, “We will run more registration counters since Saturday.
Registration time will also be improved.
This will help check the density.” CMS, TB Hospital, Anand Gupta said, “Instructions have been given to staff to ensure the Covid protocol.
” Spokesman for RMLIs, Prof.
Srikesh Singh said, “additional guards will be deployed to examine concessions.” Kgu spokesman Dr.
Sudhir Singh said, “We have directed guards not to allow anyone without a negative RT-PCR test report.” Patients wait for hours due to Snag Server: patients have to wait three hours in the queue for registration at RMLIs because of the obstacles on the server.
A heart patient from Chinhat, Anjali Awasthi, began to feel nauseous while standing in the queue to take the Covid RT-PCR report.
“I’m not good but I’ve been standing here for the past two hours,” he said.
Spokesman for RMLIs, Prof.
Srikesh Singh said there was a technical error which was then resolved.

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