Covid Case Active Below 100 in Ahmedabad – News2IN

Covid Case Active Below 100 in Ahmedabad

Covid Case Active Below 100 in Ahmedabad
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: With five new Covid-19 cases and the release of 19 patients, active cases in the Ahmedabad district reached 96, falling below 100 for the first time after March last year.
With this, all Gujarat Regency now has less than 100 active cases.
The Ahmedabad district contributed 26% of the country’s active case.
For Gujarat, there was a 21% increase in new cases from 28 to 34 in the last 24 hours, across 30 after three days.
Over the past three days, the country has reported an average of 30 cases a day.
Apart from Ahmedabad, Mail and Vadodara, only Amreli District recorded more than five new cases, while four cities and seven districts recorded one case respectively.
After two days zero cases in private hospitals in Ahmedabad, on Thursday two new patients were recognized, said Ahmedabad Hospitals and Nurse Association (Ahna).
“We are very close to getting cases to the lowest level of all time, and we may not continue.
Track all cases and increase supervision is the only way we can ensure that the cases are not refilled,” said a senior official Ahna ,

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