Covid Concerns for Norwich After the Tottenham Outbreak – News2IN

Covid Concerns for Norwich After the Tottenham Outbreak

Covid Concerns for Norwich After the Tottenham Outbreak
Written by news2in

LONDON: Norwich faces “some related problems covid” ahead of the Premier League match against Manchester United, manager Dean Smith said Friday.
The team that was threatened with relegation played Tottenham on Sunday before the North London club announced the Coronavirus outbreak among the players and staff who forced the delay of two matches.
Two Norwich players have undergone Covid-19 testing, even though Smith said he did not think the rod scared from Tottenham’s match.
They were waiting for the test results when they prepared to host United on Saturday.
“Some of the players we worry about have been tested,” Smith said.
“It was impossible for the game at Tottenham Hotspur because our first round of testing was clear, but all players were aware of the importance of keeping each other, distance themselves and wore masks.” The players, who were not identified, felt “a little unhealthy,” the manager said.
The Tottenham outbreak – eight players and five staff members have been tested positively – forcing the delay in the European Conference League match against Thursday against the French Rennes team and the Premier League match at Brighton on Sunday.
Tottenham training center closed as a precautionary measure.
England this week announced a more stringent restriction to stem the spread of the omicron variant, urged people in the UK to return to work from home and mandate a Covid-19 pass to enter nightclubs and major events.
Chief Executive Aston Villa Christian Purlow plans to visit the club on Monday to talk to players about remaining safe, manager Steven Gerrard said Friday.
“We always stay safe around the facility, we are always stuck at certain decision rates to protect ourselves and protect each other,” Gerrard said at a press conference ahead of the Liverpool match.
“But we were clearly told and warned that everything changed all the time and just to be careful.” Former Liverpool Great admitted “You always get a small paranoia sobbing about what if.
And it is a virus that is not lost, we are not through the forest.” And it changed all the time, “added Gerrard,” Gerrard added, “Gerrard added,” Gerrard added, “Gerrard added,” Gerrard added, “Gerrard added,” So, you always have to be on the toes and heart The heart as you can because you don’t want to be in a situation where you lose the player, which clearly affects points.

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