Covid Daily Cases Rise, Schools in the Nagpur District to Stay Close to 26 Jan – News2IN

Covid Daily Cases Rise, Schools in the Nagpur District to Stay Close to 26 Jan

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Schools in all Nagpur districts will remain closed until at least January 26 given the daily increase in the case of Covid-19.
Both district collectors and Commissioner of the city of Nagpur have decided to take a review of the date post.
On Friday, the Nagpur district reported 4,763 cases compared to 4,428 the day before.
In Maharashtra, the reopening of the school has been allowed from Monday if the local authority decides to do it.
Commissioner of the city of Radhakrishnan B said, “The case increases every day and therefore we have decided to keep the school closed until January 26.” For schools outside the city limits, the timeline remains the same.
Nagpur Zilla Parishad CEO Yogesh Kumbhekar said, “The decision will be taken later when the school will be reopened after January 26.” The review meeting was held on Friday night where information received from the Ministry of Health.
A statement issued by ZP said that the C collector R Vimala and Kumhekkar received feedback from the Ministry of Health and district assignments.
The Covid-19 Daily Increase Graph case is the most important single factor in forcing the authority’s hand to delay the reopening of the school.
SAPAN Nehrotra, an academic who is also active in teacher organizations, said, “I think the situation is very fluid today, but here the authorities must show geographical flavors.
All rural nagpur with so many teasts should not be closed.
They must make a wise decision So the blanket prohibition does not apply to everyone.
“Ashok Gavankar, Secretary General of the Vidarbha Junior Higher Education Association (VJUCTA), said,” I think the decision to delay the reoper is wise considering the current situation.
Nagpur sees a daily uptick in a number of patients Covid, so there’s no point in taking risks.
“Vandana Benjamin, President of Maharashtra English Schools Trustees Association (Mesta) Wing Wats said,” When the state government itself has given a green signal, then the local authorities must play the role of an enabler.
With a period Academic Front Board Students (X & XII) are at stake, at least Yes those who have taken vaccines must be permitted.
Focus must find a safe and logical way to reopen while maintaining a balance between academics and health of students.
“On Friday, Vidarbha recorded 8,549 cases.
This is a steep increase in everyday case compared to January 1, when only 84 cases were recorded.

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