Covid fight: up to 88% decrease in price of 5 devices – News2IN

Covid fight: up to 88% decrease in price of 5 devices

Written by news2in

New Delhi: The maximum retail price (MRP) of 90% of the five brands of medical devices used for Covid management, including credit oximeters, blood pressure monitoring machines (BP) and Nebuliser, have dropped to 88%.
Price reduction is the result of a recent Capping Trade Margin of these five products at 70% by the authority for determining national pharmaceutical prices.
While MRP Oximeters Pulse decreases by 88%, the price of BP monitoring machines has dropped to 83%, glucometer up to 80% and a digital thermometer and a digital thermometer up to 77%.
Of the total 684 marketing brands of five medical devices, 620 brands (91%) have reported the MRP revision down.
Brands imported – with high margins – have shown a maximum reduction after the price closes, said an official.
The maximum downward revision has been reported by the imported pulse oximeter brand, showing a reduction of Rs 2,95,375 per unit, the government said.
However, the expensive device, atypical.
The general brand, it is seen that it is reliable, costs in the range of Rs 3,000-Rs 5,000 and becomes cheaper too.
The trading margin is basically the difference between the price at which manufacturers sell devices or products to distributors or stockists and prices paid by the final consumer (MRP).
While these products are among the commonly used medical devices, demand has soared further after Covid.

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