Covid is negative in Kolkata to exile at home – News2IN

Covid is negative in Kolkata to exile at home

Covid is negative in Kolkata to exile at home
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Sutirtha Basu is very suitable (40), who returned to Kolkata from his workplace in Delhi last week, hasn’t come out of his room for a week while his wife, brother and other family members – roaming – roaming – roaming free in their flat jadavpur flat.
Krishnendu Banerjee (45), who has no covid symptoms, has isolated himself in the first floor room with his sick father and has chosen work from home while wife, mother, son and domestic assistance lives in HOWRAH House even after contract infection.
The volume of a positive case of covid is thin and more and more people show symptoms like Covid has changed the concept of isolation on his head.
The family now has Covid negative people and those who are without symptoms isolate themselves instead instead.
“While on the way home, I studied my wife and brother I had a covid symptom.
I was asked to test themselves.
My aunt lived with us also had mild symptoms.
When I reached, my wife and brother had a fever but were in medicine.
There is no point in me infected too and so I isolate myself in a room to make sure someone else can have better accessibility at home.
Now while my family gets better, I managed to keep an important order and help my family while Stay in its own isolation.
It’s been a week, and my family will come out of isolation on Friday, “said Basu, a wedding photographer and fashion.
The same is the case for Howrah Resident Banerjee, which also cares for the entire family with covid symptoms and like Covid while remaining in its own isolation.
“When everyone starts to fall sick, I know I have to stay fit to make sure there is someone to take care of my father and also make sure he doesn’t contract infection.
I isolate us both in a separate floor and so far managed to stay clean,” said Banerjee.
who works in a private company.
The current country has 1.16 lakh active cases with more than 22,000 new cases on Thursday.
However, the doctor felt many larger residents in pain with symptoms such as Covid but they had not been tested themselves.
“I have a fever, coughing and cold, body pain and all the other Covid symptoms last week and left lying in bed at least for two days.
My child also has the same symptoms but we don’t get us tested and initially entered insulation.
But when Brother-in-law also began to show symptoms, we came out of my isolation and husband, which was the only one that fits even now, moved to a room beside the kitchen and isolated himself.
He has cooked and cared for us, “said Tanima Mondal, A Behala resident.
The doctor said they also received a number of similar cases and also advised the family to isolate negative members at this time.
“I have treated a number of cases where of the six members in the family, four positives while two negatives.
In such situations, standard instructions are to isolate the negative members of the family instead of positive patients to minimize the spread of infection,” said the virus expert Rahul Jain.

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