Covid items of ‘damaged’ patients are worth RS50L in the police flat – News2IN

Covid items of ‘damaged’ patients are worth RS50L in the police flat

Covid items of 'damaged' patients are worth RS50L in the police flat
Written by news2in

Nagpur: The police department has sent to Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) a list of goods worth more than the RS50 lakh which is damaged or stolen from his new flat scheme in Pachpaoli which was first used as a quarantine center and then as a covid care center.
The ingredients were allegedly damaged and stolen by Covid-19 which were suspected and patient positive.
According to NMC officials, the majority of damage was carried out by people who were quarantined during the first wave.
NMC did not execute work in the past seven months on the grounds of lack of funds.
Now, the police family has no choice but to take a flat after making repairs and cleaning themselves.
NMC Commissioner of the Additional City of Ram Joshi, who confirmed the receipt of the DCP (head office) Sandip Pakhale on Friday, told TII that the NMC Public Works Department was directed at preparing proposals seeking funds from the District Planning Committee (DPC).
“We hope because the flat is used for Covid management,” he said.
Along with the list of items, Pakhale also sent a copy of the letter dated February 10 aimed at Commissioner of Radhakrishnan B.
It was stated that the 196 flat was taken over to the central quarantine on April 25, 2020, and around 6,000 were quarantined there until January 24.
Flat emptied and handed over to the police after the patient was shifted to other centers, the letter was mentioned.
Pakhale mentioned in the letter that all the taps in C, D, E and F wings have been stolen and the material is stored in the kitchen, a closet, fans etc.
it has been damaged while the wall has been colored because it spits.
According to the letter, the police department wrote to the NMC Zone Ashi Nagar on February 2 to make improvements.
“Then, the shared inspection was carried out by NMC and the police to ensure damage.
The list of goods has been prepared.
Therefore, I ask you to repair damaged items and do cleaning work through your department,” Pakhale wrote.
On Saturday, TOI visited the flats in seven wings and found that even the ceiling fan blades in several flats were bent.
Right from the electric board to furniture, the damage is large.
Three police personnel and their family members were washed white and cleaned their flats.
“The whole flat scheme was ready last year and we were allocated flat.
It is the responsibility of the NMC to submit a flat after repairing and cleaning.
But we can’t wait more.
About nine families have done their own work before shifting to the flat,” said the family.
NMC doesn’t even repair the water pump in one of the wings because there is no water supply in 28 flat, they said.
Last month, a thief was arrested for stealing a faucet, fans etc.
from the flat.
Remaining in chaos * in April 2020, NMC took over the police flat to quarantine covid patients * was made covid care centers during the first wave peak and operated until January * Police found damaged and stolen material from the flat, the park maintained * NMC has not made repairs and cleaning of work since February * the police submit a list of stolen or damaged items on NMC on Friday * Cops Peg Loss at RS50 Lakh * NMC to submit a proposal for repair, cleaning work

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