Covid patient Endings life in hospital Bathroom – News2IN

Covid patient Endings life in hospital Bathroom

Covid patient Endings life in hospital Bathroom
Written by news2in

NAMAKKAL: A 42-year-old guy undergoing therapy for Covid-19 finished his life by hanging out of the ceiling of toilet at the Namakkal District Headquarters Hospital Thursday.
The Namakkal city authorities stated that a Yuvaraj, a coolie in Alagu Nagar from town, has been admitted into the hospital with breathing problems in June 1.
“He had been placed on oxygen support from the intensive care unit.
He was angry after his wellbeing,” explained a police officer.
About 4am on Thursday, Yuvaraj moved to the restroom and locked the door from within.
“As he did not return after a hour in the restroom, fellow sufferers alarmed the physicians and nurses, that knocked the door for a couple of minutes and alarmed usas there was reaction from within,” a police officer explained that The Namakkal city authorities broke open the door and entered the restroom, simply to visit Yuvaraj hanging in the ceiling by means of a dhoti.
“We recovered the body and delivered directly to the mortuary to get postmortem.
We’ve filed a case and further question is about,” the officer stated.

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