Covid Prevent Duty Cut Previous: Hardeep Puri – News2IN
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Covid Prevent Duty Cut Previous: Hardeep Puri

Covid Prevent Duty Cut Previous: Hardeep Puri
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The price of fuel has gone up to only 30% for seven years the Government of Narendra Modi opposed 70% in the same interval since 1973 and deductions for excise tasks last week aimed at “providing consumer assistance” and trust in strong income collections as.
The economy “shot all cylinders”, the Minister of Development of Petroleum and Urban Hardeep Singh Puri said on Wednesday.
“In 1973, when I studied at Delhi (university), I had, I thought, Lambretta scooters and gasoline costs Rs 1.25 per liter.
I calculated the increase in gasoline prices at a seven-year interval since then.
I found that in seven years the MOD government , the price of gasoline has increased less than the previous seven-year increase, “said Puri to Times now Summit 2021.
He said the UPA had released gasoline prices in 2010 and the Modi Deregulation Government of Diesel prices in 2014.” In March 2020, (oil) prices fell to $ 19.
Today is $ 84-85 (per barrel).
The price of fuel increases due to market conditions, “he said.
Asked whether the time deducting time was dictated by the election of upcoming assembly and it could come before, Puri said there were always several elections in this country.
He explained that the task pieces could not come early because the economy was beaten by a pandemic and the government needed money to fund vaccinations and welfare measures such as free food for the poor.
Money is also needed to pay oil bonds that float by the government upa to subsidize previous fuel.
“Now the focus has shifted to the livelihoods and the economy to shoot all cylinders.
Consumption (fuel) is higher than the pre-pandemic period.
The collection of revenue has been stable.
There is confidence (to cut the task) …
the government (mod) always has his heart In providing relief to consumers.
This (Cut Duty) is a very good step by the Minister of PM and finance which will create pressure on countries to reduce VAT, “he said.
In the justice of the increase in Customs last year, Puri said, “The economy has closed and the focus is alive.” Customs have been fixed.
But it expressed collecting VAT according to cents …
there was a murder (made) there.
“On the strategic sales of Air India, he said, the national carrier was financially ill even though it became a” class asset one “.” The debate is only whether to sell or close the airline, “said Puri.
Explain the nationalization of Indian water and Bharat Petroleum (among others) by the government Congress (under Indira Gandhi), Puri expressed happiness that even the second offer for Air India was higher than the reserve price, which proved wrong.

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