Covid requires a regional response, say participants in ‘neighbors in peace & health’ meet – News2IN

Covid requires a regional response, say participants in ‘neighbors in peace & health’ meet

Written by news2in

Bathinda: Doctors and Health Rights Activists from all South Asia come together to emphasize that the coronavirus pandemic must be chosen to collectively.
The meeting held by the Action Peace South (SAPAN) network, the third in the South Asian peace series focused on health as an entry point to talk about regionalism and health care of South Asia for all.
SAPAN is a coalition of individuals and organizations that aim to advance the peace agenda for the region, building work carried out by mentors and leaders over the past few decades.
It was intentional about how this pandemic affected rural areas of South Asian countries, obstacles in treatment, and access, or lack, into vaccination, how it affected mental health, women and especially women in rural areas in all countries in all regional countries and how The challenges are similar in all countries in this region and need similar solutions.
“South Asian countries cannot do it themselves, it is not rational,” said Dr.
Zafullah Chowdhury, noted Public Health Activists and Ramon Magsaysay Awardee from Bangladesh.
“The hard key in his country will lead to promoting inequality in society, he warns, he warns, emphasizes that it is not responsible for imposing the lock without providing food because poverty has increased and there are 25 million poorer without food “, he said.
The meeting occurred at Delta plus a virus mutation detected in parts of the region by towering the possibility of other waves.
Entrepreneurs of challenging vaccine producing countries and encourage the South Asian government to invest more in public health.
Participants also noted that this pandemic struck women because domestic violence has increased.
Public Health Activists Vandana Prasad from Delhi said women often Kuran G in controlling finances, they are the main caregivers and carry responsibility for treating pain.
Pandemic has encouraged women further to margins, he said, adding that there is also a gender dimension with vaccine access.
He urged the doctor to enter the domain of peace activism, because of the poor among the disaster gap.
Prasad attracted attention to the nature of gender pandemic workers and frontline, and Dalit, indigenous peoples, other minorities.
Telemedicine is important, but we must not lose focus on land-based public health needs to start.
Frontline workers in India, accredited social health activist workers (Asha) often lack training, safety equipment and often do not get their wages for months, he said.
While highlighting that the public health system is intended to be a great equalizer, Dr.
Anup Subedion noted how the pandemic exposes systematic failure in many aspects of life in Nepal, referring not only for a sad impact on immunization of non-covid children and pregnant care – but also the trials It hurts from the health care community itself.
He shared how the health care community in Nepal had been forced to handle the threat of violence, lack of access to personal protection equipment, the prospect of income losses without the support of the social security system, and the mental health crisis that was not at the front.
The doctor at the meeting supports the need for greater cooperation and cross-border collaboration.
Participants asked the government to allow the free flow of critical equipment and cross-border medical personnel.
It was said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had floated the idea of ​​the SAARC medical visa for patients and the medical team to help during a pandemic – something to be followed up.
Doctors also urge international brotherhood to encourage trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, or travel, so that the production of Covid-19 vaccine can increase.
“This is a way forward for vaccines for all, ” Confirming Prasad.
Founder and Sapan Curator Sarah Sarwar shares a vision for the inter-generation, multi-sectoral, inter-regional individual coalitions and organizations that come together in the broad consensus for the agenda of one point.

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