Covid Symptoms Durable Rare in Children: Lancet Study – News2IN

Covid Symptoms Durable Rare in Children: Lancet Study

Covid Symptoms Durable Rare in Children: Lancet Study
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LONDON: Most children who develop Covid-19 symptoms recover after six days, and the number experiencing symptoms outside four weeks is low, according to a large UK study published in the Journal of Children’s Health Journal Lancet.
This study, based on data reported through smartphone applications by parents and guards, provides the first detailed description of Covid-19 disease in symptomary school-age children.
“Convincing that the number of children who experience low-last low covid-19 symptoms.
However, a small number of children did experience a long disease with Covid-19, and our study validated the experience of their children and their families., “Professor Emma Duncan said, the lead author of the study, from King’s College London, England.
The researchers noted that some adults experienced a prolonged disease after Covid-19, was described as a long covid, where the symptoms lasted four weeks or more, but it was not known whether children could develop the same condition or how general is this.
Many children infected with the SARS-COV-2 virus do not develop symptoms, but those who tend to have minor diseases, they say.
Recent research uses data collected through the Zoe Covid study smartphone application, which includes data from more than 250,000 British children aged five to 17 years.
The team focused on reports collected between September 1, and 22 February 2021.
Around 1,734 children developed the symptoms of Covid-19 and received positive PCR test results that were close to the onset of symptoms, with the symptoms that were reported regularly until they were healthy again.
, Overall, these children were sick for an average of six days and experienced an average of three symptoms in the first week of illness, confirming that Covid-19 tended to manifest as a minor illness in children, and that they usually recover quickly, Researchers.
This study found that most children recovered within four weeks, with a minority that experienced symptoms after a month.
Usually, they only have two symptoms left after four weeks.
The most common symptoms experienced by children with a duration of long diseases is fatigue.
84 percent of children are reported with fatigue at some point in their diseases, and these are the most persistent symptoms.
Headaches and loss of sense of smell are also common, the researchers say, add, however, headaches are more common at the beginning of the disease while losing the sense of income tends to occur later and last longer.
Of the 1,379 children who develop symptoms of at least two months before the end of the study period, less than 2 percent experience symptoms for more than eight weeks, they noted.
Older children in the age group 12 to 17 years usually ill than elementary school children aged 5 to 11 years, according to researchers.
Older children are also more likely to have symptoms after four weeks than younger but there is no difference in the number of children who still have symptoms after eight weeks, they said.
The researchers also consider children who are negatively tested for Covid-19 who may have diseases of other children, such as colds and flu.
They found that children with Covid-19 pain were longer than children with other diseases tested negatively for Covid-19.
However, this research shows at four weeks, a small number of children with other diseases tend to have more symptoms than those who are sick with Covid-19.
“Our data highlights that other diseases, such as colds and flu, can also have prolonged symptoms in children and are important to consider this when planning child health services during the pandemic and surrounding areas,” Michael Absoud, a senior writer Research and Consultants & Lecturers Senior at King’s College London, said.
“It will be very important considering that the prevalence of this disease tends to increase because of the physical distance measures applied to prevent the spread of Covid-19 relax,” Absoud said.
The research writer recorded several restrictions for their findings.
They cannot check the symptoms reported by parents and caregivers with health records, and there may be inconsistencies in the way people interpret symptoms on behalf of their children.
Also, only children who have adults participating in the study of Covid symptoms can participate, which may be biased to participate in certain demographic groups, added researchers.

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