Covid: ‘The third wave peak in India is likely to soon’ – News2IN
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Covid: ‘The third wave peak in India is likely to soon’

Covid: 'The third wave peak in India is likely to soon'
Written by news2in

Pune: National health experts feel that although Covid cases can peak in India soon, the current waves are driven by the omicron variant of the virus can be at all.
“Global data and our own experience for the past five weeks revealed that infections caused by Omicron are mostly asymptomatic or mild.
Some hospitals that are severely ill also have other co-morbidity and over 60 years old.
The whole level of hospitalization Umicron affected is 1-2%, which is far less with the level of people who need hospital care during Covid waves caused by Delta, “Dr.
NK Arora, Chair of the Covid-19 National Working Group of the National Technical Advisors of the Group about Immunization told TOI on Saturday.
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