Covid Vaccination: Children 15-18 years can register in Cowin from January 1, in place from January 3 – News2IN
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Covid Vaccination: Children 15-18 years can register in Cowin from January 1, in place from January 3

Covid Vaccination: Children 15-18 years can register in Cowin from January 1, in place from January 3
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Children between 15 and 18 years can register online in Cowin from January 1 or in place in vaccination centers to receive Covaxin shots from January 3 3.
among health care workers and the forefront and those aged 60 Year and above with comorbidity, priority and sequence will be based on the completion of nine months or 39 weeks from the second date on January 10, the government said in the guidelines issued on Monday.
To register on the Cowin site, children can use their school ID, Chief Executive National Health Authority Hospital Sharma.
They can register online through an existing account or create a new one.
The 60-andabove receiver must mention their comorbidity on the portal when registering and need to produce a certificate from a registered doctor in the vaccination site.
Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan has called for a review of the state and the United States to discuss the smooth implementation of guidelines and review the omicron situation that develops throughout the country.
“All 15 or more will be able to register in Cowin.
In other words, everyone whose year of birth 2007 or earlier, must be eligible.
Beneficiaries can register for themselves, online through existing accounts about Cowin or by creating a new account through numbers Unique cellphones, this facility is available for all residents who meet the current requirements, “said the guidelines.
Health workers and frontline and citizens aged 60 and above with comorbidity will be able to access vaccination for prevention doses through existing Cowin accounts.
The Cowin system will send an SMS to people who are eligible to take advantage of the prevention dose when it is due, the guidelines say.
The details of the administration of the dose of preventive measures will also reflect the vaccination certificate.
Nearly three health crore and frontline workers are expected to qualify in January to get a covid vaccine booster dose, which will be given with a nine-month gap after the second dose.
In addition, 6-7 crore children in the 15-18 age bracket will be eligible to receive Covaxin.
The Ministry of Health said the prevention dose or the third dose of covid vaccines were provided for health workers and front lines as “abundant precautions”.
While it is estimated that three crores over 60 years are expected to have comorbidity, very few can actually be eligible to receive the third dose in January, given the nine-month gap needed.

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