Covid vaccine protection is very possible to use over time, the UK advisor said – News2IN

Covid vaccine protection is very possible to use over time, the UK advisor said

Covid vaccine protection is very possible to use over time, the UK advisor said
Written by news2in

LONDON: The protection provided by a vaccine against Coronavirus infection, and a severe potential disease, it is very likely to be reduced from time to time so that the vaccine campaign will continue for years to come, scientists told the British government advisory group.
“It is very possible that the vaccine induces immunity in SARS-COV-2 infection, and a potentially severe disease (but perhaps at a lower level) will decrease from time to time,” according to the executive summary of the document considered by the government’s scientific advisory group for circumstances Emergency (Sage).
“Therefore, it is likely that there will be a vaccination campaign against SARS-COV-2 for years to come, but at this time we do not know what will be the optimal frequency needed for re-vaccination to protect vulnerable from Covid,” The word Scientist.
Documents, titled “How long does the vaccine continue to protect against Covid?”, Written by leading virologies and epidemiology of London Imperial College, Birmingham and British Health England University.
The UK has agreed and used three shots – Oxford-Astrazeneca, Pfizer-Bionontech and Moderna – in the mass vaccination program that began in December 2020.
Real data data shows that this vaccine protects with 95% or more effective on the alpha variant dominated in the UK on Beginning 2021, scientists said, despite the ability of shots to protect against infection and subsequent transmission.
They said it might be expected that the effectiveness of the vaccine will remain high for severe diseases but the effectiveness of mild disease and infection dropped from time to time.
Anecdotal reports from the UK and Israel, which launched a comprehensive initial campaign, supported the concept, they said.
Israel will begin offering a third shot from the Pfizer / 19-19 bionech vaccine to people over the age of 60, the first world in an effort to slow the spread of a very contagious Delta variant.
Since the emergence of the Delta variant, the Israeli Ministry of Health has reported a decrease in the efficacy of vaccines against infection and a slight decrease in protection against severe diseases.

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