Covid violations soar as Delhi opens up – News2IN

Covid violations soar as Delhi opens up

Covid violations soar as Delhi opens up
Written by news2in

NEW DELHI: Last month, Delhi’s district authorities issued 77,715 challans for violation of Covid-19 norms.
As more and more economic activities have been allowed as part of the gradual unlock process in the capital, the number of challans has also gone up and the figure for this month stood at nearly 1.3 lakh till Sunday noon, a rise of nearly 66.6%.
As per Delhi government’s figures, 35,773 of these challans were issued between June 21 and 26, an average of 5,962 a day.
On Sunday, the total count stood at 1,29,493 by the late evening, with the day’s figure at 6,502, the highest in two months.
On Saturday, it was 6,210.
In the last two weeks, all markets, malls and standalone shops have been allowed and restaurants and bars have opened their doors, too, with 50% capacity.
“There have been orders to carry out stringent enforcement drives though the number of Covid-19 cases has been consistently dipping.
This is being done keeping in mind the risk of a likely third wave and also the Delta-Plus variant,” a government official said.
“Most of the violations are being seen at markets, which see most of the footfall.
As the number of people coming out of their houses has increased, so have the violations.
Our teams are keeping a close watch at all places where crowding could be happening,” he said.
“Teams have also been deployed at major intersections and pedestrian crossroads.” The average number of challans issued last week was 5,090 as against 5,962 this week.
The previous week, when shops were allowed to open on odd-even basis, 4,192 challans were issued on average and the week prior to that, when manufacturing units and construction sites were allowed, saw an average of 3,870 challans.
Delhi was under lockdown in May, except for May 31 when the unlocking began.
The month saw 77,715 challans, a daily average of about 2,507.
District authorities say around 250 enforcement teams across the 11 districts have been deployed to keep a hawk eye on those not wearing masks, spitting, not following social distancing to keep the Covid situation under control.
The highest number of challans has been issued in South East district this month — 17,988 — followed by North (17,317) and then Shahdara (15,784) and North East (13,417) districts.
The lowest count is at South West (6,264).
New Delhi saw 8,114 and North West 8,747 challans.

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