Covid’s related swelling problem is healed by the city doctor team – News2IN

Covid’s related swelling problem is healed by the city doctor team

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Nagpur: A 32-year-old man from Katni (MP), who suffered from severe Covid, experienced a rare complication known as a pneumomediastinum.
When his lungs weaken, air leaked to Mediastinum, the room between the two lungs in the chest cavity where the heart is located.
Slowly, the air continues to accumulate under the deepest layer of skin and men experience unusual swelling throughout his body.
This condition may be the result of physical trauma to death.
Doctors from where they came to refer to Nagpur as the last chance.
City doctor treats this man by inserting a tube in Mediastinum.
The process, known as the ‘pigtails’, is done very rarely in the mediastinum area because it might prove fatal if it hurts.
“Intubation is a general process to drain liquids or air accumulates in the chest around the lungs.
But inserting the tube to Mediastinum is very risky.
In this case, the patient is accepted in critical condition.
He is also positive Covid with swelling from head to toe, “Dr.
Parimal Deshpande, Pulmonologist, who took the risk of saving his patient’s life.
Veteran Pulmonologist Dr.
Ashok Arbat guided him in making a decision while Radiologist Dr.
Nilay Nimbalkar handled the important part of the imaging of the process.
The doctor told TII that patients were stored in the ventilator.
The tube remains in the cavity near the heart for ten days.
Gradually, the air deposited in this cavity began to be released.
In the next phase, the air deposited under the subcutaneous network also decreases and swelling subsides.
In 15 days, patients get more than 90 percent of aid.
The impact of covid in his lungs is also reduced gradually.
Finally, patients were sent back earlier this week.
He’s fine now.
“Many Covid patients, which turned into critical because of the phenomenon of weakness of the lungs, died after suffering swelling throughout the body.
According to the available literature, only 2 of the 10 complicated cases survived.
We were lucky the only producer of family bread was saved After we took a brave decision, “added Dr.
According to Dr.
Arbat, it’s the rarest of a rare survival.
“Covid reduces the elasticity of the lungs due to air leaking air into the chest cavity.
In this case, it leaks into mediastinum and then spreads under the skin throughout the body.
This is called surgical emphysema.
In this case, the patient experiences dramatic recovery,” said Arbat.
The patient’s family member said it was a miracle.
“We were told that he only had a few hours.
But, within 24 hours of the tube insertion, he receded.
He left the hospital walking on his own leg which was the best feeling for us,” said a family member.
How it happens * When the lungs lose elasticity, the air is stored in the cavity mediastinum between two lungs where the heart is * in the phase then, the air starts to deposit under the subcutaneous network, the deepest skin layer * this produces severe swelling throughout the body, Weak lungs and critical conditions * The doctor made a daring decision to insert the tube in Mediastinum as the last medicine * the patient recovered from swelling, covid, and walking out of the hospital, Hale and Hearty.

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