CPI leader (M) moved SC for the initial hearing of the petition that challenged the abrogation of article 370 – News2IN

CPI leader (M) moved SC for the initial hearing of the petition that challenged the abrogation of article 370

CPI leader (M) moved SC for the initial hearing of the petition that challenged the abrogation of article 370
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Senior CPI leader (M) Tarigami I have approached the Indian Supreme Court urgent him for the initial hearing of his request challenging the revocation of Article 370 and the state of the State of Jammair and Kashmir who used to be two territory of the trade union.
Tariage, who have challenged abrogation and Jammu and Kashmir Law (reorganization), 2019 (reorganization law) as not constitutional, seeking earlier hearing cases that say sweeping changes are being carried by the center of the rights of a large number of people.
Tariage said despite the fact that the petition was waiting before the Supreme Court since 2019, the central government had taken several “irreversible actions”.
He said the center had formed a limitation commission to mark boundaries in the region for all elections before assembly selection could be held.
The request that enrolled the change made by the central government said it made a change in the construction of the Jammu and Kashmir that allowed people who were not residents to continue to buy land in Jammu and Kashmir if not agricultural land.
The request said that it has closed institutions such as J & K of the State Women’s Commission J & K, J & K Accountability Commission, the State Consumer Protection Commission J & K and Human Rights Commission J & K.
Leader CPI (M) said the request must be heard With an accelerated basis, the petition itself will be considered infruct on the actions of government that cannot be changed.
On August 5, 2019, the central government announced his decision to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir which was given based on article 370 and divided the region into two union regions.
The five judges in March 2020 have refused to refer to a larger jury a number of petitions that challenge the constitutional validity of the central decision to cancel the provisions of Article 370 on August 5 last year, saying there is no reason to refer to a bigger bench.
A number of petitions have been put forward in the top trial including individuals, lawyers, activists and politicians and political parties who challenge the Jammu and Kashmir reorganization law, 2019, who divide Jammu and Kashmir into two Union – Jammu and Kashmir regions, and Ladakh.

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