CPI MP Moves Notification of Motion Privilege in the Against Center Hospital at Covid Death – News2IN

CPI MP Moves Notification of Motion Privilege in the Against Center Hospital at Covid Death

CPI MP Moves Notification of Motion Privilege in the Against Center Hospital at Covid Death
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Communist Party of India (CPI) MP Binoy Viswam on Thursday has transferred the notification of the motion of the privilege of the answers at Rajya Sabha by the State Minister Bharati Pravin Pawar that no one died of oxygen’s noity.
“The Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and the Welfare of the Family, Dr.
Bharati Pravin Pawar, in return for the Questions who were catching 243 on July 20, 2021 had stated that there was no death due to the lack of oxygen reported by the state during the second wave of Covid -19.
Besides that true- Really disrespectful to hundreds of suffering from this avoidable death, the government has tried to mislead the parliament with his response and thus broken Privilege Parliament, “VisWam wrote to the Secretary General of Rajya Sabha.
CPI leader said that thousands of people died due to lack of oxygen during April and 2021 in May throughout the country.
Countless reports in the media and many personal experiences of citizens during the decisive months are proof of this fact.
Almost every high court and even the Supreme Court has been flooded with dotted requests from hospitals and residents who request oxygen, whose lack of a government failure to prepare this crisis adequately.
Rajya Sabha MP stressed that there was no official data about the number of people who died of lack of oxygen.
“The lack of accountability and complete efforts to mislead this house and people in this country need the most serious action.
Remembering this, I encourage you to pay attention to the violations of this privilege and there is a process in that matter,” Stated Viswam.
The central government on Tuesday told Rajya Sabha that there was no death because the lack of oxygen had been reported specifically by the state / union during the second wave of Covid-19.
Responding to Questions by MP Congress KC Venugopal on whether a large number of Covid-19 patients died on the road and hospital due to lack of acute oxygen in the second wave, the Minister of State for Health Dr.
Bharati Pravin Pawar showed that health was a subject of the subject and therefore all states / UTS reports cases and deaths to the Ministry of Health regularly.
In a written reply, he stated that the Indian government had supported countries and conducted a series of actions including the supply of medical oxygen.
“Health is the subject of the country.
Detailed guidelines for death reporting have been issued by the Ministry of Health Union to all countries or UTS.
Thus, all countries or UTS reported cases and deaths for the Ministry of Health to regularly.
However, there was no death due to lack of oxygen had been Specially reported by the state or utipon.
However, the Indian government has supported countries and conducted a series of actions including the provision of medical oxygen, and other consumables to ensure clinical care of Covid-19 patients remembering a steep increase.
Covid-19 trajectory in this country During April – May 2021, “read the answer.

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