CPM to receive wise calls about poll bond with Congress to fight BJP – News2IN

CPM to receive wise calls about poll bond with Congress to fight BJP

CPM to receive wise calls about poll bond with Congress to fight BJP
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The CPM Meeting of the Politburo who concluded in Delhi on Sunday decided to take a wise attitude about whether the party had to adjust the election with Congress to fight a stiff BJP.
“In the state where Congress can contribute anything in the war against BJP, we will not respond by using it.
However, in most states, Congress adopted the Hindutva policy that softened to fight BJP.
In Kerala, Congressman Rahul Gandhi took candidates CPI in the election of the Sabha 2019, “said a member of Polituro.
“The understanding of elections with Congress is not the only problem discussed by the Politbiro.
Congress policy on the issue of farmers is the same as BJP,” said the member.
In the report that the party’s State Secretariat had been allowed to receive a Phone Kodiyeri Balakrishnan again as the Secretary of State, the leader said the Politburo did not eat discussion problems.
The party’s political resolution draft will be discussed at the Politbiro before placing it before the central committee will be detained.
After the Central Committee agreed, it would be circulated to all party committees for discussion.

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