Crime rose 23% in Mumbai, 15 in NCRB ranking – News2IN

Crime rose 23% in Mumbai, 15 in NCRB ranking

Crime rose 23% in Mumbai, 15 in NCRB ranking
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The number of criminal cases registered in the city under the Indian criminal code rose 23.2% in the 2020 pandemic year, up from 40,684 in 2019 to 50,158, data on the national crime record bureau released on Tuesday.
The significant percentage of this case is related to the violations of the sidewalk regarding the pandemic in the crowd and rejection to work with the police on duty.
Even though Mumbai came to fourth place among cities in terms of the total cases submitted, with Delhi so far in No.
1 followed by Jaipur and Kochi, the report shows that if the case is seen per lakh population, the ranking of Mumbai is 14, while Nagpur and Pune in each country enter No.
8 and No.
Worried, violations of cyberspace increases, with Mumbai coming on No.
3 After Bengaluru and Hyderabad, and despite the crime against senior residents dipped, the city was still second, after Delhi.
Mumbai is also the second in crimes committed by adolescents, which includes cases of theft, attacks and attacks on women.
Underage children were also arrested on allegations of voyeurism, sexual abuse, kidnapping and stalking.
The number of IPC cases registered in Maharashtra rose 15.5% to 3,94,017 as against 3.41,017 in 2019.
While the country was placed eighth in terms of the case per lakh population (318.6 cases), in terms of the overall share of crime, Maharashtra was on Second order after Tamil Nadu 8,91,700, recorded 10% of the total crime, while Gujarat was third with 3,81,849 cases and fourth Uttar Pradesh with 3.55.110.
In terms of crime per lakh population, Delhi is the country No.
1, followed by Kerala.
In the country, the overall crime rate rose 147.3% and Nagpur of 27.5%.
On average, Mumbai Police every day register 138 types of cases, the NCRB report said.
Rape cases fell 18.3% in the city to 322, but Mumbai was still second from Delhi, which recorded 967, and kidnapping cases fell 44.2% to 1,173 but again, the city was the second of 4,011.
In Cyber ​​Mumbai crime recorded a 9.4% increase in cases (2,433 as against 2,225 in 2019).
The main crimes reported in Mumbai related to theft (6,234), causing illness (4,126), forgery or fraud (3.348), driving rash (1,605), kidnapping or kidnapping (1,173), obstruction (1,507)), Burglary (1,645 ), and robbery (718).
The number of attempted murder cases (348) rose in the city of 1.5%.
Activists say one of the main reasons for kidnapping and kidnapping has fallen is a quick action taken in registering the case.
At crimes against senior citizens, Sion Dean Hospital Dr.
Suleman Merchant said the elderly was the softest target for those who were eyeing money easily.
Physically weak and vulnerable emotionally with the absence of adequate support systems, they often live alone.
“Some who rely on home assistance at risk are targeted by them because they rely on them for help,” Merchant said.
The former DGP country Pravin Dixit said it seemed that the police were too busy responding to the Pandemic Coronavirus and did not pay much attention to limiting crime.
But he said evil against women, who were not registered before, were now registered, so in reality it was not an increase in crime against women but increased registration of the violation.
A police officer said the government had made it mandatory for the police to submit a complaint and start an investigation immediately if a problem was related to minors.
“There is no doubt that some crimes have risen, but this is because our strength has registered evil efficiently,” the officer said.
However, the number of cyber crimes shows that fast registration does not always occur.
Although the NCRB report showed virtual world violations rose 9.4% in Mumbai during a pandemic in 2020, the actual status was that many cases were not reported and many written complaints were not converted into firs.
Maharashtra has played a problem and also does not show urgency in working with the center to institutionalize the helpline-cum-call center to freeze or track the flow of money stolen digitally.

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