Crowd Surge Hits Chennai Beaches, Parks – News2IN

Crowd Surge Hits Chennai Beaches, Parks

Crowd Surge Hits Chennai Beaches, Parks
Written by news2in

Chennai: Thousands of people pamper the city and beach parks on the first Sunday since they opened back to the public.
Rain doesn’t hinder a visit to the zoo, a children’s garden, a snake park, and visitors cover every inch of the marina.
Recreation spots were declared open from last Monday.
Vandalur Zoo welcomes 7,500 visitors and children’s parks see 3,285 visitors on Sunday.
Footsteps are higher by 1,000 to 1,500 at two points from Saturday.
A senior wildlife official said safety protocols such as temperature checks and use of sanitis which must be followed despite the high number of visitors.
The cloudy and drizzle sky was not deterrent, said the chief executive of the Snake Chennai Park, Paulraj.
“Until the afternoon, the arrival of visitors to the children’s park and the snake park was lacking.
But the amount surged at night,” he said.
Likewise, the crowd swelled at night at the Vandalur Zoo, said a senior Zoo official.
Drive a weekend at ECR back with a visit to the home of the boat Muttukadu and Mudaliarkuppam.
Some monuments in Mamallapuram must be closed because there are a large number of visitors and ticket quota for that day for sale in the afternoon.
The official source said for the first time since the monument in Mamallapuram was reopened on June 28, the number of tickets sold online reached 5,000 on Sundays.
After this, the inheritance site managed by the Indian Archaeological Survey (ASI) was closed for 15 minutes.
Tickets to recognize 800 other visitors were issued offline and closed for that day.
According to official sources with ASI, only 5,000 tickets issued by one online ticket and paper (offline) are usually not issued.
Sunday is an exception considering the big crowd waiting, the source said.
Tamil Nadu Nadu Development Corporation (TTDC) in Muttukadu and Mudaliarkuppam also reopened after a break since May due to the second wave of pandemic.
Sources of TTDC said 1,640 people took a boat boat in muttukadu on Sunday, almost the same as pre-covid time.
Meanwhile, 480 took a boat boat in Mudaliarchuppam, almost double the pre-covid numbers, the source was added.

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