CSTPS questioned high polln in Chanda even after closing the old unit – News2IN

CSTPS questioned high polln in Chanda even after closing the old unit

CSTPS questioned high polln in Chanda even after closing the old unit
Written by news2in

Chandrapur: Air Quality Index (AQI) Chandrapur continues to remain high even though the shutdown is suspected of polluting Old Units No.
3 and 4 Super Thermal Power Station (CSTP) Chandrapur.
This has triggered a debate over the source of real pollution in the city.
Green always blames the old CSTP units for high pollution in the city and urges to take pictures for units no.
3 and 4, assigned more than 35 years ago.
Now, CSTP has run from a letter to the regional office of the Maharashtra Pollution Control Agency (MPCB) here, questioning the error in the unit.
3 and 4 to cause pollution.
The letter stated that the Ambient Chandrapur air quality index had not increased even though there was a temporary shutdown of their old units from January 18.
Factory management has attached AQI Chandrapur data obtained from the Central Pollution Control Agency (CPCB) website from January 12 to determine that despite turning off their old units, the pollution level chandrapur has increased instead of reduced.
The letter questioned the charges frequently carried out by the CSTPS unit.
3 and 4 are the causes of pollution and requests by NGOs to close these units.
The debate over the high AQI in Chandrapur began after artificial lung billboards installed under AEGIS along with Vatavaran NGOs, eco-pro organizations, and Chandrapur Municipal Corporation, turned black in six days of the installation.
Minister Guardian Vijay Wadettiwar, a member of Parliament, Dhanorgar and MLA Kishor Jorgewar has expressed concern for poor air quality in the city.
NGOs have directly blamed CSTP for high pollution and demanding the closure of the unit No.
3 and 4 to save the lives of residents.
However, even after these units were closed, Aqi at City Chandrapur continued to remain high.
The data provided by CSTP shows that AQI in the busy area of ​​the city bus monitored by MPCB remains good at a good level and satisfying from January 12 to 17.
However, it has grown worse with every day passing from January 18, the second day of the two old units Closed.
Aqi on January 18 registered 114 and grew to high 310 and 356 on January 24 and 24.
The level of PM10 pollution was registered with 436 and 474 each in each of the two days.
CSTP officials claim that the CPCB data itself shows there are sources other than the old CSTP unit responsible for high pollution.
“It is the responsibility of MPCB officials and green organizations to technically analyze pollution and determine the sources, instead of blaming CSTP,” said officials.
MPCB refused to comment on this problem, but confirmed receipt of a letter from CSTPS.DR Mundhada, President Chandrapur Bachao Sangharsh Samiti, who demanded the closure of the unit No.
3 and 4, say that there may be other reasons for pollution in Chandrapur, but CSTP is one of the main pollution industries.
The officer cannot deny that these units have old designs and emissions from them higher than modern units.
Even the National Green Court has held a CSPP responsible for pollution and has slapped the RS5 Crore sentence.

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