Cybercrooks uses porn clips for prey snare in Ahmedabad – News2IN

Cybercrooks uses porn clips for prey snare in Ahmedabad

Cybercrooks uses porn clips for prey snare in Ahmedabad
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: A 28-year-old man from Maninagar received a message from an unknown source and when he opened the link on his cellphone, he was taken to the porn video website he watched for about half a minute.
When he closed it, he received a video from a cyber criminal where the man was seen in the window watching porn and porn clips were walking on the screen.
Resources in the city police said that they had received many applications than people who fell into the trap placed by cybercrooks, after watching porn websites.
“Apart from the modus operandi friends on Facebook, it makes a man enjoy sex videos and then extort money by squeezing the person, this porn trap also increases every day passing,” said a Cyber ​​Cell of the Cid (Crime) officer.
He said that Cybercrooks posted an adult website link on the social media platform or send it to a vulnerable man.
When the man opened it, the phone or device was tapped after that Cybercrook could watch the activity on his cellphone by getting a mirror image.
In some other cases, men who open a website, are lured to participate in nude video calls with a woman – created using artificial intelligence.
“In this way, these cases are not reported or they are complicated to detect.
In many cases, we have seen that the victim does not approach the police, or he removes the video itself so he will not be humiliated in his family.” Said a police officer.
Senior City Crime Branch.
Officers said that people had to approach the police if they were targeted by Cybercrooks.

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