Dadar STN which was rebuilt could come true in 5 years – News2IN

Dadar STN which was rebuilt could come true in 5 years

Dadar STN which was rebuilt could come true in 5 years
Written by news2in

The process of rebuilding the Dadar Station, one of the city’s busiest stations, finally began.
The Indian train station development company in India (IRSDC) later submitted a plan for rebuilding stations for the zone train for final approval.
The target date for the offer request has been set for January 1, 2022, while the target date for the request for the proposal is July 1, 2022.
Similarly, the target to complete the project has been set for November 1, 2026.
Senior train officer Wr said, “We tried to complete the construction work Back at the omelette station at the end of 2026.
IRSDC will start the tender process.
” Likewise, a senior CR officer, who coordinates the project, said, “Prima Facie, the proposed re-development plan looks good.
It will be immediately cleaned.” SK Lohia, Managing Director IRSDC, said, “Rebuilding the station aims to distribute the passengers Equivalably over the platform and streamline pedestrian movements, by expanding and adding FOBs, and other camera levels for remote passengers.
” “Next, the entry to the station along with a drop-off / pick-up has been broken down with some planned access along the bridge, LN Road and Senapati Bapat Marg to facilitate congestion on existing entries,” he said.
In addition, the separation of the arrival and departure of passenger movements was also proposed by dedicating blocks of arrival and departures separately.
FOBS network at level 2 is planned.
Networks are interconnected with each other to relieve the accessibility of the platform.
“PEGREGATION The direction of passengers may be achieved through the proposed system.
Separate concert level at the level of 12.75 m from the platform is also proposed on the north side of the station that will have direct access from the bridge tilak,” said an official.
This level will also be accessed internally from the FOB level.
Concourse is planned in such a way as to minimize the distance to the platform that serves the train far.
Furthermore, a trough roof planned on the suburban platform and FOBs so that rainwater and direct sunlight did not enter the platform and passengers uncomfortable.
The station must be 100 percent accessible to be disabled and will be developed on the concept of green buildings.
Dadar will be a smart station with a modern building management system that is integrated with CCTV and other systems.
Commercial development must be carried out above the concourse level of several floors so that facilities can be developed for further passengers.
Every new rebuildness / construction in areas intended for future commercial development will only be carried out in extraordinary circumstances.
At present, the Railway Station omelet has 15 platforms.
The west side has seven platforms, including two platforms for slow suburban routes, three for fast suburban routes and the last two platforms are terminus from the suburbs and far trains.
The remaining eight platforms lies in the center line.
Of these, three platforms are at a slow suburban route, three platforms are on the fast suburban route and the last two platforms are the far train terminus also known as Central Terminus’s omelet.

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