Dalit Girl Rape: concluded the probe, the police told HC – News2IN

Dalit Girl Rape: concluded the probe, the police told HC

Dalit Girl Rape: concluded the probe, the police told HC
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The police have told the Delhi High Court that concluded investigations against alleged rape and murder of a nine-year-old Dalit Girl and provided security all the time to the victim’s parents.
Police Delhi told Yogesh Khanna’s justice, who heard the parent petition for the Constitution of the Special Investigation Team (sitting) for the investigation monitored by the court, that after submitting the cost sheet, this problem is now registered to frame the previous charges of the court court.
In providing full time security to other two witnesses, he said there were many cases delayed towards them and there was no cogent material to show the perception of threats.
The police said that it would take the right action on the complaints submitted by the two witnesses about being threatened twice.
The investigation body informed that the four people accused were still in your resistance.
Considering that this problem is now tried, the court says that nothing is needed and removed from the parent petition.
The judge clarified that if two other witnesses in the case of seeking help, the number of cellphones from constable beat must be given to them.
“Because this problem is now tried, therefore, there is nothing more to do in this matter.
However, the number of cellphones from Beat Constable is provided to witnesses, namely Mr.
Hardayal Singh and Mr.
Nitin Bagga so in whatever emergency case they can be contacted by Imam The crematorium in the Southwest Delhi Old Delhi Village.
On August 17, the court has been looking for reports from the police here about the investigation status of this case.
The police then told the court that a sitting had been based after this case was transferred from the local police station to Crime Branch.
It was stated that two accused of recognizing crimes and conditions for the alleged commission of murder and rape violations under the Criminal Code, Part 6 under the protection of children from the Sexual Act, 2012 and the Schedule Castale Tribe (Prevention of the Atrocities) Act, 1989 has been added to FIR.
Given the Stand Stand, the court has observed that DA prayers Lam the request seems to have been answered.
In their request, the parents of the dead child have stated that they have “no faith in the investigation at this time”.
Requests have been seeking adequate security and security for them and other witnesses in this case together with judicial investigations into irregularities in front of the administration in this case to reveal the reasons behind the police’s response delay and “why not important evidence is maintained”.
They accused “the total focus of the police was to avoid / sabotage the case of” and that parents “were tortured and suppressed by the police and his agent to compromise the case”.
Parents have claimed that they include the largest part of the community and illiteracy and are under the strength and influence of various groups that have interests.

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