Dangerous to allow anyone to hoard important items: SC – News2IN

Dangerous to allow anyone to hoard important items: SC

Dangerous to allow anyone to hoard important items: SC
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday said during a pandemic, when there was a general scarcity of drugs and oxygen, it would oppose the public interest to allow individuals or NGOs to hoard these essential life savings materials even for free distribution of costs or for purpose charity.
This statement came from Judge Dy Chandrachud and Mr.
Shah at the petition submitted by Gabir Gambir Foundation challenging the orders of the Delhi High Court, based on Delhi drug controllers having Facie Prima and two AP MLAS – Praveen Kumar and Imran Hussain, guilty of hoarding important drugs in Contrary to drugs and cosmetic acts.
Appearing for the Foundation, senior advocate Kailash Vasdev said the Gambir Gautam Foundation has collaborated with suppliers of drugs, doctors and health workers to distribute Fabiflu free drugs worth Rs 29 Lakh during the second wave of pandemic.
Vasdev said there was no hidden motive behind the distribution of medicines for those in need and it was done for free and without expecting help or personal benefits from those who received drugs, from the government or other organizations.
He said by order, the drug controller had started prosecution.
“People who have provided services to people during the panemic period are difficult to punishment,” Vasdev said.
The bench said it was true that HC issued an order without making the GGF party into the pill.
“Mostly, you don’t have a party to pill.
HC only asks for a status report from the drug controller.
We will not interfere with HC orders.
However, we will give you freedom to become a party before the case is delayed in front of the High Court.
You can judge HC about your Bonafid in doing charity work.
“However, bench benches expressed serious bookings for individuals and organizations that get a large number of important drugs, even for charity purposes.
“Otherwise, everyone who is able to do important drugs and starts distributing this to anyone they think requires.
During the second wave of pandemic, ordinary people carry out skelter for essential drugs and oxygen and buy drugs at a cost Height, “said the bench and quoted the scarcity of injection of remedies and sales in the black market.
This allows Vasdev to attract appeal and move HC to become a party in a delayed process.
Delhi HC has taken a serious exception to the GGF who bought Fabiflu medicine during the second wave of Covid when there was a lack of drugs in the capital.
The first report of the drug controller gives a clean chit to the Gambir foundation discarded by HC, which is called the report is not worth the paper where it was written.
HC has also taken an exception to Gambir’s statement in the media that he will continue to do such work.
“We want to curb this malpractice.
This is a destructive activity.
The tendency of this person takes advantage and then tries to appear as the Savior when they themselves create a problem must be criticized.
And then, the person goes around saying he will do it again.
If he does, we know How to deal with it, “HC said.

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