Danish military spots of Iranian vessel in the Baltic Sea – News2IN

Danish military spots of Iranian vessel in the Baltic Sea

Danish military spots of Iranian vessel in the Baltic Sea
Written by news2in

Dubai: Danish military said that Thursday saw Iran’s destroyers and great supporting vessels sailing through the Baltic Sea, possibly heading to Russia for the military parade in the coming days.
The Danish Ministry of Defense post photos from the Royal Danish Air Force from Iran’s Destroyer built in the country of Sahand and ship-collection of macran intelligence passing by Denmark Bornholm Island.
“ It is expected that they are on their way to the annual naval parade in St.
Petersburg, ” Danish military wrote on Twitter.
Before Thursday, the Irna news agency managed by Iran reported that the country’s naval commander, ADM.
Hossein Khanzadi will join the Russian naval parade on St.
Petersburg after receiving an invitation from Russian Defense Minister.
Irna also said Sahand would join the ‘`parade if the programs planned Russia was in line with the planned Iranian fleet.
“The naval parade is expected to take place on Sunday, according to the Media of Russia.
The two ships left Port Abbas Bandar Iran in May.
Images of Maxar technology on April 28 seem to show seven craft attacks quickly Iran is usually associated with paramilitary revolutionary guards on the macran deck.
The photos of the Danish military showed seven ships were closed and still risen makran on Thursday.
Crafts of fast attacks on makran are the types used by guards in their meetings with US warships in the Persian Gulf and their narrow mouths, the Strait of Hormuz.
The Politico website was first reported at the end of May, quoting anonymous officials, that the final goal of the ship might venezuela.
However, it seems that the ships even went around the Cape of Good Hope Africa and proceeded north on an extraordinarily long journey by the Iranian Navy.

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