Dark films removed from 2,531 cars in special drives – News2IN

Dark films removed from 2,531 cars in special drives

Dark films removed from 2,531 cars in special drives
Written by news2in

Letter: City Police has registered 2,531 cases against vehicle owners who have installed dark films above the window and collect a total RS 12.65 lakh on-the-spot in a special drive conducted from September 2, September 6.
Also launched a separate drive to the NAB vehicle using invalid registration plates and those who move without plate numbers.
The drive that began on September 6 will continue until September 13 and violators will face legal action.
About 150 violations are listed under this drive and RS 47,000 are collected well on one day.
Driving against dark films ordered by Police Commissioner Ajay Tomar after it was found that the car involved in an accident on the road on Jalan Canal Vesu had dark glasses because the police could not identify the driver despite having CCTV recordings.
“According to the actions of motorized vehicles and the Supreme Court’s assessment, dark films are prohibited.
Not only dark but all types of films, including transparent, are not permitted in the eyeglasses of the car,” said BN Dave, assistant commissioner of the police, traffic.
“In five days, the police identified more than 2,500 cars and they were punished in place.
We will continue to take action against vehicles using dark films because it is easy to hide behind their hoods,” Tomar Toi said.

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