Data 40 million plus exposition in the latest T-Mobile violations – News2IN

Data 40 million plus exposition in the latest T-Mobile violations

Data 40 million plus exposition in the latest T-Mobile violations
Written by news2in

Names, social security numbers and information from driver licenses or other identification of more than 40 million people who submitted T-Mobile loans exposed to recent data violations, the company said on Wednesday.
The same data for around 7.8 million T-mobile customers currently paying monthly for telephone services also seems to be compromised.
There are no telephone numbers, account numbers, pins, passwords or financial information from nearly 50 million notes and compromised accounts, he said.
T-Mobile has been beaten before with data theft but in the latest case, “only far exceeded the previous violation,” said Analyst Gartner Paul Furtado.
T-Mobile, based in Bellevue, Washington, became one of the largest mobile service operators in the country, along with AT & T and Verizon, after buying last year’s rival sprints.
Reported to have a total of 102.1 million A.S.
Customers after mergers.
“Yes, they have a big target on their backs but it shouldn’t be surprising for them,” Furtado said.
“You must start questioning the organization.
How much do they actually handle this violation and the level of seriousness?” T-Mobile also confirms Wednesday that around 850,000 active prepaid T-mobile customer names, telephone numbers and accounted accounts.
The company said that proactively reset all PINs on the account.
There is no metro by T-Mobile, a former prepaid sprint, or increasing customers has their names or pins.
There are also some additional information from an inactive prepaid account accessed through prepaid bill files.
T-Mobile says that there is no customer financial information, credit card information, debit or other payment information or social security numbers are in an inactive file.
T-Mobile said earlier this week that it was investigating the data leak after someone took the online forum that offered to sell personal information on cellphone users.
The company said on Monday that it has confirmed that there is invalid access to “some T-Mobile data” and that it has closed the entry point used to get access.
“If you are affected, you will immediately hear from us,” CEO Mike Sievert tweeted in response to the customer concerned Tuesday.
The company now said it would soon offer a two-year free identity protection service and recommend that all postpaid customers – those who pay monthly installments – change their pins.
The investigation is ongoing.
T-Mobile had previously revealed a number of data violations over the years, last in January and before that in November 2019 and August 2018, all of which involve unauthorized access to customer information.
It also reveals violations that affect its own employees’ email accounts in 2020.
And in 2015, hackers steal personal information belonging to around 15 million wireless T-mobile customers and potential customers in the US, which they obtained from the Experian Credit Reporting Agency.
“It’s a real charact for T-Mobile and whether this customer wants to continue working with T-Mobile,” said Analyst Analyst Allie Mellen.
“In the end T-Mobile has a lot of information that is very sensitive about people and it’s just a matter of luck, this time, information affected is not financial information.” He said the hacking did not look very sophisticated and involve the configuration problem on the server used to test the T-Mobile phone.
“There was a wide open gate for the attackers and they just had to find the gate and walk past it,” Mellen said.
“And T-Mobile didn’t know about the attack until the attackers posted them on the online forum.
It really troubles and does not provide a good indication that T-Mobile has appropriate security monitoring.”

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