Day 1: Warm response to Booster Shot Drive in Mumbai – News2IN

Day 1: Warm response to Booster Shot Drive in Mumbai

Day 1: Warm response to Booster Shot Drive in Mumbai
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The launch of a booster dose sees a warm response in the state and city on Monday nearly 5% of beneficiaries who qualified out to take third shots.
Contrary to higher leg expectations after a surge of omicron, the usual long queue and the loss of the registration room is lost this time, and empty seats welcome many senior citizens in vaccination centers.
In Maharashtra, 49,307 people, including the frontline and senior citizens, took third shots on the first day, out of the 9.35 lakh lakh who qualified.
Mumbai manages 10,698 preventive doses, covering 5.8% of the 1.8 lakh beneficiaries.
30% of 12,139 senior citizens who qualified to take third shots.
In comparison, 5,249 of 88,892 health workers, or 6%, appeared.
Of almost 81,000 Frontline workers who qualified, only 2.2% (1,823) came to booster shots.
In the country, Mumbai provides the highest number of prevention doses.
Pune gave a second high (6,638), followed by Thane (4,692) and Nashik (4,015).
A comparison of the state shows that Gujarat managed to provide a third dose to 1.55 lakh on Monday, while Rajasthan and Karnataka each gave it to 95,540 and 81,728 individuals.
Nationally, 9.79 lakh prevention doses are given.
John and Judy Gracias from Marol were surprised to see no waiting time for their third shot at Sevenhills Hospital on Monday.
“The first two doses of the vaccine protected us well because we did not get Covid in the second second wave,” said John 70 years.
A covid hospital head said that many health workers had taken their dosage “quietly” and therefore no heavy rush on Monday.
Dean Nesco Dr.
Neelam Andrade said that his response was better than senior citizens compared to other groups, but the footsteps of the frontliners had to increase gradually.
Most seniors received messages from Cowin and ordered promises, while several times walked with aadhar cards.
At Kem Hospital, Parel, purification seems slightly higher than the last few months as staff and some senior citizens join the queue.
“There are no queues as used to see at the beginning of vaccination in January last year.
It is a stable person’s stream,” said Kem Dean Hospital Dr.
Sangeeta was treated.
At the nearest global hospital, Booster’s drive will begin in a few days because the shares enter, said an official.
Kirit Trivedi based in Bandra, a 72-year-old anesthetist, took 11 o’clock in the morning.
“I took the first shot on January 16, 2021, the vaccination drive day began in India.
This time too, I took it on the first day at the Holy Family Hospital in Bandra,” he said, he added that there was no long queue.
Elsewhere in the state, the problem of teeth appears.
Orthopedic surgeon Dr y Gade from Aurangabad said the Civic Corporation initially announced Shooters Shots only 5 of 51 vaccine centers.
“Nothing was originally, but the Indian medical association here took problems with the authority of the citizenship who immediately announced a booster shot that could be taken in the middle of wherever,” Gade said 54 years old, who also took his third shot.

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