Days after Afghan bombings, tolls up to 170, evacuation continues – News2IN

Days after Afghan bombings, tolls up to 170, evacuation continues

Days after Afghan bombings, tolls up to 170, evacuation continues
Written by news2in

The final stage of the US-led evacuation of Kabul Airport resumed on Friday morning, a day after a suicide bombing that destroyed leaving more than 170 people and more than 200 injured.
Evacuation and withdrawal of foreign troops is planned to be completed on August 31, the deadline agreed with the Taliban.
Airlift operations following the cessation of the explosion and the end in sight for air evacuation has forced many people to go to the Torkham border crossing with Pakistan in eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan in an attempt to escape from the Taliban government in that country.
At Torkham, Afghanistan Pakistani troops opened fire as they rushed towards the gate junction.
Afghan media outlets reported that the six Afghans were killed and several injured.
Several thousand Afghans are said to have fled to Pakistan using the Spin Boldak in southern Afghanistan Crossing Point.
Locals describe the scene in Spin Boldak as chaotic, with many of those who have traveled to the border is not allowed to cross into Pakistan.
In Kabul, the hospital has been overwhelmed with patients, with fewer staff available for many health professionals left the country after the Taliban seized power during the past week.
Many patients condition is described as critical.
Some families desperately searching for their loved ones, including children, after the explosion.
Meanwhile, a report from Kabul indicate that Taliban leaders had been planning to form an inclusive government directives as soon as possible.
Nanny government, according to the Taliban, will have a “Amir-UL Momineen” (commander of the faithful) to lead the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
They say the supreme leadership council was held to decide on the future form of government and to nominate ministers.
The focus now is on nomination for the main ministries, including legal, defense, foreign affairs, finance, information and national security.
Rebel groups consider the names of the men some non-Pashtun warlords and tribal leaders to be part of the caregiver.
Groups have not clarified the duration of the interim government.
There are also reports that the US has insisted on bringing some members of the previous government led by former president Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani.
The head of the CIA, according to Taliban sources, it has been suggested to Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar (one of the founders of the Taliban movement) during a recent visit to Kabul that he put the members of the Government Interm.

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