DDMA nodded to the weekly market on the roadside – News2IN

DDMA nodded to the weekly market on the roadside

DDMA nodded to the weekly market on the roadside
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) on Sunday enables the opening of all official weekly markets with strict compliance with the appropriate behavior of Covid and other guidelines.
“All official weekly markets must be permitted, subject to strict compliance with SOPs and instructions / guidelines issued by the Central Government and Delhi from time to time to contain the spread of Covid 19.
There is no unauthorized weekly market.
In terms of the DDMA field office.
Finding that the appropriate behavior of Covid or SOP specified is not followed, the weekly market will be closed by district judges or deputy commissioners of the city in question, “said the order.
This order was released a day after Minister of Chief Arvind Kejriwal announced that the weekly market would be permitted to operate with strict compliance with the norm.
The decision was welcomed by the weekly market association, which was worried not to get permission to operate the market on the roadside.
Rajesh Gupta from the North Delhi Weekly Market Association said, “We are very happy because the latest orders do not object to the operation of the market on the roadside.
In the previous DDMA sequence, only one market in each zone per day is permitted with motorists that there is no market on the roadside which is permitted.
As a result, civil bodies are almost not given permission to any market to operate.
They argue that there is almost no open space to accommodate so many vendors.
“Ashwani Bagri, convener from Delhi Weekly Bazaar United front and the president of the Joint Action Committee , The North Delhi unit, said that vendors would expand all cooperation and follow all Covid guidelines, including maintaining a distance of two meters and wore a mask.
“Customers in these markets are usually locals or those who pass through the area.
No one finds land or parking where the weekly market can be held.
We are pleased with the decision.
But categorize the market as an authorization (those who issued slips by the civil body ) And invalid is surprising considering street vendors (livelihood protection and Vending Street regulations) ACT, 2014 provides protection for all, “Bagri added.
A North Corporate official said they had received orders and would take another day to prepare a plan and get formal approval before allowing these markets.
“We will be able to allow the opening of the weekly market from Tuesday,” added the official.
According to orders, settings for RT-PCR / Vendor mouse tests and customers will be randomly carried out by district judges.
“In the case of a positive test report, the action must be taken according to the protocol determined by the Delhi government health department,” he added.

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