Delhi: Betting Battle Lags as a landfill struggling to meet the target – News2IN

Delhi: Betting Battle Lags as a landfill struggling to meet the target

Delhi: Betting Battle Lags as a landfill struggling to meet the target
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Of the 280 lakh tons of inheritance waste currently dumped on three TPA capitals of the capital – Okhla, Bhalswa and Ghazipur – only 12% have been processed on July 31, according to reports prepared by the Delhi pollution control committee (DPCC).
While the TPA BhalSwa site has managed to meet the time limit to process 25% waste using a bioremediation and trommel machine, two other garbage disposal sites are still lagging behind and the possibility of losing their early deadlines, data shows.
According to the DPCC report, which has also been submitted to the Ministry of Shakti Union, 33.1 lakh tons of inheritance waste processed in three TPA locations on July 31 this year.
The planned action submitted by the city company to the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has mentioned the deadline for improving inheritance waste in three locations.
The DPCC report shows the deadline for repairing 25% inheritance waste on the TPA Okhla site is October 2021, but only 10.4% waste has been processed on July 31.
Of the total 60 lakh tons of inheritance waste present at TPA Okhla, 6.3 lakh tons have been converted into inert on July 31 by using a total of 18 trommel machines.
Likewise, the Ghazipur landfill site has recovered 7.6 lakh tons of inheritance waste in July, of a total of 140 lakh tons.
It must process around 27.4 lakh tons in March next year to meet the first deadline.
In Bhalswa, around 80 lakh tons were disposed of in July 2019, but only around 19.2 lakh tons were processed in July.
This almost meets the target of 25% remediation and will require to process a total of 40 lakh tons of waste this October to meet the target of 50%.
Companies have told more NGT that 100% of legacy waste remediation will be held in June 2022 in Bhalswa, in March 2023 in Okhla and in December 2024 in Ghazipur.
A total of 62 trommel engines have been involved in this dumpsite to process waste.
In 2019, NGT had acknowledged TOI reports that had highlighted how leachate from three landfill locations had an impact on groundwater near these locations and polluted empty channels to Yamuna.
NGT has ordered three companies and the Delhi government to create an Escrow account and prepare Rs 250 Crore plans to the Third Bioremediate TPA site and reduce their height.
Highlighting the Indore model where the 15-lakh-ton TPA site is flattened in three years using a trommel engine, NGT has asked the three companies to use the same technology in Delhi.
Companies, however, have reached green bodies, and other authorities, including Lieutenant Governors, for more land.
The lack of corporate claims for fresh sites makes it difficult to empty processed inert materials.

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