Delhi: Covid Care Center in IGI next month – News2IN

Delhi: Covid Care Center in IGI next month

Delhi: Covid Care Center in IGI next month
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Dedicated Covid Care Center is expected to be operational at IGI airport early next month, with a memorandum of understanding signed by the operator of Delhi International Airport Limited (Dial) and Medanta airport.
This facility, to be arranged at terminal 2 airports, will consist of 15 high-dependency units (HDU) pediatric units, 18 adult hdu beds and 52 isolation foundations, officials claim.
The initial maintenance center will be available for airport staff and their family members, with passengers to be accepted in an emergency case.
Dial said the center was expected to be ready in September 2021 and was being established with the health care facilities needed for their employees and their relatives, including children.
“Last year, we saw a number of cases where airport staff needed to be hospitalized, and this was a quick solution for the problem.
In the future, the facility can be disposed of into passengers too,” officially added.
Airport officials say sophisticated health facilities will help isolate, treats clinically and support positive employees who are asymptomatic, mild and mild for moderate or their family members, until they are transferred to the hospital or disposed of to the hospital or discharged to the hospital or run out.
their home.

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