Delhi: Daily Covid Tally under 10k for the first time in 20 days – News2IN

Delhi: Daily Covid Tally under 10k for the first time in 20 days

Delhi: Daily Covid Tally under 10k for the first time in 20 days
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Delhi recorded 9,197 new Covid-19 cases on Sunday, for the first time in 20 days dipped below 10,000.
New positive cases come from 69,022 Covid tests, with a 13.32% peposititivity level, the lowest since January 5, 2022.
After recording all the high time of 28.867 Covid-19 cases in one day on January 13, the number of cases has been dipped and after January 15 – When the level of prospitis is recorded at 30.64% – the level of peposititivity, also, has been dipped.
Health Minister Satyendar Jain on Sunday told reporters that the level of prospitis declined at the fast speed and hospital bed housing had dropped to around 2,500 and dipped further, while around 13,000 beds provided for patient care Covid-19 remained empty.
Jain said that with “Covid-19 reduced rapidly in Delhi”, the restrictions worn to curb the spread of infection will also be eliminated immediately.
9,197 cases recorded in the last 24 hours are from 58,697 RHPCR / CBNAT / Truthful NAT tests and 10,325 quick antigen tests.
After more than one Lakh Covid test on January 12, the number of tests had dipped 44,762 tests on January 17, although the level of progress continued to surge.
However, the number of tests has increased since then, with district authorities increasing testing in the detention zone and the nearest area.
Apart from the number of cases and the level of prospitis, Sunday also witnessed the dwear of the bed under 2,500-mark after 10 days.
On January 13, when Delhi recorded 28,867 cases with a 29.21% participation level, 2,424 covid beds in the hospital were occupied.
The number of beds occupied had seen improvements since then, even though the surge was not too worrying about the case and the level of participants.
After the occupied hospital bed reached 2,784 on January 17, the number dropped and on Sunday, a total of 2,424 beds were occupied.
With 13,510 patients recovering from disease on Sunday, the number of active cases reached 54,246, down by almost 40% compared to 89,819 active cases on the previous week.
While the number of positive Covid patients recovering in house isolation was 68,411 last week, the number was dipped in 42,438 on this Sunday.
The total number of detention zones reached 44,132.
Of the 2,424 covid-19 patients received at the hospital, 82 were allegedly infected, 814 patients in oxygen support, including 164 that supported the ventilator.
While 1,982 patients received at the hospital were from Delhi, 360 coming from other states.
Delhi saw 34 people giving up on Covid-19 in 24 hours on Sunday, taking the victim to 25,620 with a fatality rate of 1.43%.

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