‘Delhi: fire at Okhla Godown is accidental’ – News2IN

‘Delhi: fire at Okhla Godown is accidental’

'Delhi: fire at Okhla Godown is accidental'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: CCTV footage from a broken fire in the warehouse located in the Harkesh Nagar area at Okhla Phase II from National Capital on Friday revealed that it was not an accident but a conspiracy, the police informed on Sunday.
Delhi police have accused accused and interrogated him to understand the reasons behind competition which leads to episodes.
CCTV recordings episode revealed that on Wee hours on Friday when failure looked burned, someone was also seen there.
18 Tender API rushes to a place to extinguish the fire.
“The fire call was accepted about the fire in a failed fire around 3:45 a.m.
There were no casualties reported in this case.

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