Delhi Govt is set to exit the retail liquid biz in November – News2IN

Delhi Govt is set to exit the retail liquid biz in November

Delhi Govt is set to exit the retail liquid biz in November
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Under the excise new Delhi government policy, a new license for retail sales of liquor by private vendors will operate starting November 17.
This will mark the government out of the retail liquor business.
“To ensure a smooth transition from the old excise license to a new license for 2021-22 and to ensure that the supply of bona fide liquor to Delhi’s population has been decided that all wholesale licenses will continue to operate outside.
30 September 2021 to 16 November 2021.
One day before the starting date of the start of the business for a new license (under the new excise policy), “the command issued by the Excise Ministry said.
This adds that all the solitude of government liquor for retail liquid sales will also continue to operate during the same period.
“The NCT government from Delhi has approved the new 2021-22 excise policy, which is being carried out with a new retail license scheduled for starting from November 17,” the Order said.
The government has also extended the dates of hotel licenses, clubs and restaurants serving liquor in that place.
“All HCR licenses for liquor services ‘in’ The place will continue to operate outside September 30, 2021 to 16 November 2021,” said Ordo.
New excise policies strive to change the trade in liquor in the capital and provide higher income to the government.
Delhi will get a modern and bigger liquor vends, which will also offer facilities to run to explore and choose the preferred alcohol brand, when the new retail license holder starts to run trade.
At present, Delhi government institutions run around 60% of the total 850 retail liquor stores in the capital and they do not offer experience buying extraordinary liquor.
Obviously the government liquor produces fewer income than personal benefits.
Under the new excise policy, Delhi has been divided into 32 retail zones and 20 retail zones have been auctioned.
Last month, the government collected Rs 5,300 Crore from the initial round of lot lottery held for the allocation of 20 zone retail zones, while the 12 remaining zone auctions were in process.
Financial offers for 12 zones are expected to open next week, said source.

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