Delhi: No Covid Death in the last 24 hours, 57 new cases – News2IN

Delhi: No Covid Death in the last 24 hours, 57 new cases

Delhi: No Covid Death in the last 24 hours, 57 new cases
Written by news2in

New Delhi: There was no death because Covid-19 was recorded in Delhi on Friday – 11th time since the second wave of pandemics hit the national capital.
The number of new daily cases is 57 with a 0.08% positioning level, declaring the Ministry of Health.
Previously, on July 18 and 29, and August 2, 4, 8, 11-13 and 16, there was no death because Covid-19 was reported, according to official data.
On March 2, Delhi has reported zero death due to a virus and the number of one-day infection stands at 217 with a 0.33% front minister.
Then the second wave swept the city during April-May.
Both new cases and the level of prospitis on Friday is slightly higher than the numbers Thursday when new cases reach 25 with a 0.04% peposititivity level.
Two deaths were reported.
The new case count on Thursday is the lowest since April 15 last year, according to official data.
On Wednesday, the city recorded 36 cases and four deaths, while the level of participants reached 0.05%.
On Tuesday, the count was 38 cases and four deaths, while the level of office was 0.07%.
The level of infection, which has reached 36% in the last week of April, has dropped to 0.08%.
On February 16, 94 people were diagnosed positively Covid while the daily calculation was 96 on January 27.
Breaking the sauce, Chairman of the Minister of Arvind Kelamwal recently warned that the third wave opportunity was quite real.
He also confirmed that his government was preparing for “war footing” to fight it.
Delhi has struggled against the brutal second wave which also swept the country, claiming a large number of lives every day.
The severe oxygen crisis in most city hospitals only adds misery.
Since April 19, both daily cases and single deaths have spun, with more than 28,000 cases and 277 deaths are recorded on April 20.
Two days later, the city recorded 306 deaths.
On May 3, Delhi registered a record of 448 deaths.

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