Delhi: Notification of Closure to More Than 1,800 Plastic Manufacturing Units – News2IN

Delhi: Notification of Closure to More Than 1,800 Plastic Manufacturing Units

Delhi: Notification of Closure to More Than 1,800 Plastic Manufacturing Units
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Delhi Polution Control Committee (DPCC) has issued a notification for closing up to 551 plastic manufacturing units and 1,278 recyclers operating without registration that apply under the rules of plastic waste management, 2016.
Everyone who produces, collects, stores, transports, save, transport, store, transport, use, recycle, and remove plastic waste in any form, including importers, manufacturers, individuals or institutions, individual groups voluntarily involved or permitted, required to get registration under the 2016 PWM rules and approve To operate under the Air, 1974 and Air Law, 1981 from the DPCC.
The pollution control agency directs all plastic producers in the capital to be applied online at the for registration and renewal under the 2016 PWM rules along with a copy of the agreement obtained, authorized the Action Manufacturer (EPR), supported by the Urban Development Department , MSME certificates and other related documents within 7 days of publishing notification.
The DPCC said the action would be taken against the industries formed, including the closure of the unit, termination of electricity and water supplies and the procurement of environmental compensation, if they failed to obey the instructions in a week.
As part of EPR, manufacturers, importers and brand owners such as food packaging companies should collect plastic used by them, with the help of waste management agencies.

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